Thursday, March 21, 2013


Please enjoy the photos of my quilts. I started quilting in 2011, making a more traditional quilt for my first son, Philip. It took me ALL YEAR to make! But it made it under the Christmas tree in time-- nothing like a deadline. Then in 2012, I made 5 quilts (including another one for my second son, Roman)!  Now it's only March, 2013 and I've already made 4 new quilts! I am hooked!

You'll see by the second quilt I found more modern fabric shops online as well as more blogs, and voila! A newer, fresher look.

I'm amazed by all of the wonderful quilting blogs out there, and I'm excited to be joining the blogging gang!

Kate Cleven

My first quilt! For Philip, 2011

Kirkie's quilt, Jan 2012

Roman's quilt, Oct 2012

AF's quilt, Nov 2012

Baby Sebastian's quilt, Dec 2012